The title is the catch phrase for Rachel Ray.  She whips up these yummy dishes and then tells us that this could be ‘what’s for dinner tonight’.  These food filled dishes sit there on her counter looking lovely as they are presented with all the flare of the professional which she is of course.DCF 1.0

We are having guests for dinner tonight and I have no idea what I am going to serve.  Several choices have been running through my mind and none of them have stopped and taken root.  Well except the dessert.  That is all decided.  I saw a strawberry recipe in the newspaper yesterday and it seems so simple and will hit the spot.  I even have special dishes that my sister gave me years ago in which to serve it.  So today I am working backwards it appears.

Usually I can plan a dinner with no problem.  I know what I am going to serve buy the appropriate groceries and go from there.  This is a dinner redo as it were.  Last week we were going to get together with these same friends.  I ended up waking up bent over with an attack of sciatica and could not move let alone make a meal for others.  I had to email a sorry to them only to discover they made a ricotta pie to bring with them. I really was feeling even lower when I read that on the email.  Until I received the following email from them later.

‘We are taking the pie to a ME friend’s house tonight who is ill. We are also taking dinner for her, her husband and her mother-in-law. I prepared it this morning and afternoon. We will eat with them as well. This misfortune of your back has brought great fortune upon our friend’s household. See you next week.’

My response to them is that I ‘love pay it forwards’.

Isn’t that the way though if you pay attention.  We make plans and God laughs and shows us HIS plan.  That same evening last Thursday turned out to be a night we needed to be alone as issues had to be dealt with and they were uncomfortable.  Had we not had the evening to deal with them the meal could have been full of tension.

Have you ever simply made a point to sit and review a situation that was changed only to discover the change was better than the plan?  I do it all the time and the only explanation I can come up with for it is that God had a better plan for me.

DCF 1.0All this still does not solve the problem of what I am going to serve before the strawberry dessert?  I guess I will go to the store and see what pops out at me for meat and go from there?  Life is such an adventure is it not.  Before I take off I will do one more thing to prepare for dinner!  I will get the puzzle off the dining room table.

…..ONWARD TO MORE MISADVENTURE…(and the grocery store)