Yesterday was a frustrating day for me all around.  I could not seem to get started on any one thing.  My list was a mile long on top of everything else.  I decided to go through the mail that had piled up.

I opened a couple of envelopes and off to more frustration with financial matters that led to phone calls and emails and more frustration for over an hour or so plus.  Very glad that supper was already planned and it was simply left-overs with not much effort required.

There was one envelope that I opened that actually took my breath away.  It was addressed to me.  In Caps it said:


They had my attention.  I looked up at the heading at this point to my dismay.  It said:

Funeral Advantage (trademark here) Program Assists Seniors.

The body of the letter went on to inform me that they were pleased to announce that I might qualify for their program that would pay my family up to $20,000 tax free in the event of my death should I buy this insurance.   I was told that thousands in my state had been accepted between the ages of 50-85.  All I had to do to qualify was to return the form by detaching it and putting it in the enclosed envelope.  How very convenient for me.  They even had assigned me a reference number already.

WHAT GALL I say!!!  Do they not know I am having a hard time dealing with this aging junk.  I have no choice.  I either grin and bare it or give up.  Giving up has not ever been in my vocabulary so onward we go my courage in hand as if I were really jousting at windmills!!!

I was really taken back by this letter.  I remember the days when the mail was not quite so foreboding.  I remember when my junk mail was kinder.  I used to get invitations to dinners to save money on mortgages.  I used to be invited to take out new credit cards.  I was invited to attend trunk shows of cloth or clothing or jewelry.  Now I am invited, through junk mail, to think about and plan for dying.  Oh JOY!!!

I realize that we all have to face the fact that there is only one door out of the life.  Frankly with any tough decision in my life I plan to go out quietly after kicking and screaming at the injustice of it all.  I will have made a bunch of lists to look at the pros and cons of the options about where I will spend eternity!!!  I imagine I will be leaving my life as I lived it with joy and passion and hopefully the grace of peacefulness of following God’s plan for me right up until we meet.

I knew there was money in funerals and burials having been involved in a couple thus far in my life.  What I did not realize is that this passage has been reduced, like so much else in our lives, to being the focus for junk mail.  Still learning after all these years and planning to be around until at least the age of 124!!!  Take that Funeral  Advantage Program!!!

This did not even address the issue of the $20,000 Tax Free.  Since I plan to be around and have lots more to do perhaps I should contact them and they can send it to me!!!




By ktsquared Posted in Trivia



I have entered into another discussion about gluten.  It is the FOOD FAD of this last few years.  We are to all be gluten free.  In order to be free of it one might need to know what “IT” actually is.

(1) Gluten  is a protein composite found in foods processed from wheat and related grain species, including barleyrye, and spelt. Gluten gives elasticity to dough, helping it rise and keep its shape and often gives the final product a chewy texture. Gluten is used in cosmetics, hair products, and other dermatological preparations.[1]

Gluten is the composite of a gliadin and a glutenin, which is conjoined with starch in the endosperm of various grass-relatedgrains. The prolamin and glutelin from wheat (gliadin, which is alcohol-soluble, and glutenin, which is only soluble in dilute acids or alkalis) constitute about 80% of the protein contained in wheat fruit. Being insoluble in water, they can be purified by washing away the associated starch. Worldwide, gluten is a source of protein, both in foods prepared directly from sources containing it, and as an additive to foods otherwise low in protein.

The fruit of most flowering plants have endosperms with stored protein to nourish embryonic plants during germination. True gluten, with gliadin and glutenin, is limited to certain members of the grass family. The stored proteins of maize and rice are sometimes called glutens, but their proteins differ from true gluten.

About 1 in 133 people in developed nations have intolerance to gluten.[2] Gluten sensitivity is classified as intolerance, not an allergy.

Do you want to know more?  Look it up yourself.  I have provided the Wikipedia link below and I am certain all you have to do is google Gluten.  We are to be free of it these days to have a healthy diet.


I have had it with the THEY of this world telling us what is good or bad for us.  Here we go on a rant that may be pages long.  By the way I am not the only one to rant on this and I have provided other links.

We are sheep I tell you – we are sheep!  Whatever fad comes down the pike if we like it we jump on the train.  Me too – I am not writing this simply for exercise – I am writing this at the irritation in my own lack of will that I bought into some of these fads.

I grew up eating a fairly healthy diet.  We were not rich or impoverished allowing my parents to feed us as good as they could.  We did not have filet mignon; we had cube steak or hamburger.  We did not have escargot; we had haddock or scallops (sometimes).  Our menu (actually think I have written this before) was fairly regular and much the same with Monday meatloaf, a Wednesday Spaghetti and a Friday Fish despite the fact we were not Catholic.  Saturdays were baked beans and Sunday dinner was a roast chicken or meat and would provide leftovers for a dinner during the week.  We picnicked with pb and j’s and tuna and had store bought cookies like Hydrox or Peanut Butter Squares.   We did not starve and our meals were varied.

I was a trim active kid riding my bike everywhere then went through a chunky stage and still graduated with a fairly trim figure.  I always believed I was fat!  Psychologists today would probably blame the teasing I got when I was chunky on this thought. Regardless I lived this thought and it became a reality.  The fact is we are probably born with a genetic make-up that responds to the types of foods we consume.  The proof is someone like Harry (former co-worker of my husband’s) who could eat enough for three people and maintain his same weight all the time.  That man could eat and he never got fat.  The machine that was his body used the fuel he put into it efficiently.

That is the most important fact I believe.  Our bodies are machines.  They need fuel to function efficiently.  If we feed them well then our bodies will respond accordingly.  To deny our bodies the fuel it needs for cosmetic reasons seems a bit out of touch.  My car runs on gas.  When it is getting low a red light comes on (thank goodness) to let me know it needs more.  If I deny the fuel, the car denies me transportation.  It does not work.  It stops running.  If the oil, filters, carburetor and other dohickeys (that is a mechanical term) that are under the hood are not kept in tip top condition that vehicle is going to shimmy and shudder and cough and spout until I fix it or it dies.

Is it any wonder we do not know what is good for us?  We have gone through the government, the all knowing OZ,  telling us many
different things. We had the 7 Basic Food groups, the Four Basic Food Groups,  the Food Wheel, The Food Pyramid – twice and now we have the food plate.
basic7foodgroupsfour food groups

We have been told in recent decades to fondue for digestion, eat fat free, low fat, 2% fat and reduced fat.  No cholesterol, no foodwheelsodium,  no meat, all meat, low fiber, high fiber, no butter, yes butter and olive oil is good though other oil is not.  Saccharin, sugar free, NutraSweet, splenda, and oh sugar is okay…………is it a wonder why we have no idea what healthy eating really is???  No wonder why I am so skeptical about gluten today.

A couple of personal things that I am going to share.  While I am a fairly open book on this blog you, the reader, do not really know all about me!!!  A little mystery
never hurts.  Once you read the following you may wish there had been more left to the mystery part.

In the 90s there was a food fad.  PASTA is GOOD for you.  People were creating meals of pasta only.  New fast food restaurants were coming online that served pasta dishes.  It was no longer that neat little Italian place to go for spaghetti.  There were now Pasta restaurants popping up all over the place.  Fazoli’s started in 1988 and expanded throughout the 90s when Toyota bought it – it is an interesting story.(2)  While hamburger places were selling a few ounces of food,  for the price Fazoli’s was selling much more food.  Pasta a good buy for the family buck.  More pasta restaurant chains were to come Macaroni Grill Olive Garden and S’Barros.

foodpyramidfood pyramid2food plateI, for a long time have mentioned this craze and people fail to remember it.  I know as I can tell from the looks I get.  I found the proof today that I had been looking for all along.  I was surprised at the source though should not have been.  NPR did a great story on this and I have taken the liberty of taking some of it or you to read.


So, when Sen. McGovern, a Democrat from South Dakota, called his hearing, he summoned the likes of Nathan Pritikin, a longevity guru who believed you could reverse heart disease with diet changes. And he called as a witness a Harvard U(3)niversity professor who pointed to the harms of overconsumption of fat. The hearing led to the creation of the first set of dietary guidelines for Americans.

“The thinking of the day is that you wanted to reduce fat,” says science writer Gary Taubes, author of Why We Get Fat.  He adds that once fat was fingered as the villain, the thinking was that any way Americans could get fat out of their diets would be a good thing.

“And if we did it by merely replacing milk and cheese and fatty meat with carbohydrates, with pasta and potatoes and rice,” Taubes says, the theory was that we would live longer, and be thinner.

So, one of the top goals listed in the original dietary goals: eat more carbs.

“In retrospect, it’s kind of amazing, but this was the thinking at the time,” Taubes says.

Now, to be fair, the kinds of carbs the authors of the guidelines had in mind were whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

But this message was lost in translation. What did Americans hear? Fat is bad; carbs are good.

And the food industry saw the low-fat, high-carb mantra as an opportunity to create a whole new range of products. Fat-free frozen yogurt, fat-free muffins and cookies — the formula was: Take out the fat; add lots of sugar.

By the early ’90s, foods with little or no fat were flying off the shelves. Pretzels were good (no fat); nuts were bad (loaded with fat). Baked potatoes were OK, but hold the sour cream. And salads? Sure, greens are great, but no oily salad dressing.

Lots of you told us in our survey that you remember this fat-free mania well, and that it didn’t work out so well for you.  Taubes argues that it was not good for the country.

“Right around this time [when people started eating more refined grains and sugar] is when Americans starts getting fatter and fatter, and more diabetic,” Taubes says.

So, in trying to address one problem — heart disease — by cutting way back on fat, many experts we talked to agreed that the original dietary goals may have helped fuel other problems, like diabetes and obesity.

I suppose I could get in a little political point here by mentioning that this might simply be another Democrat Plot to control the country.  I will not and hope that it was simply a Senator trying to get us healthy.

The fact is it did not work.  The fact is that prescriptions for the diseases mentioned above went up and the pharmaceutical companies were happy.  The fact is that Americans were less healthy.

The personal part of this story is that I bought into it.  I love pasta and have some amazing recipes on sauces and ways to prepare it that we all did enjoy.  I think “Vicki’s Pasta and Brie” was may favorite.   I also along this time was drinking diet soda of course as we heard in the 80s that sugar was bad.  I was eating fewer eggs as the cholesterol  in them was bad.  Since we were having more pasta meals I was eating less meat too.  I was getting healthy.

My body began to expand.  How come.  All of this was good for us wasn’t it?  I began to have these horrid headaches that would get my eyes feel all floaty and dizzy.   I had bad cases of irritable bowels.  I was getting healthy by eating the right things!!

One day with a horrid headache that I could barely see though I called my eye doctor who was a friend of ours.  He asked if I could get to his office.  I made it ever so slowly down to Humphrey Boulevard in Memphis.  Rick examined y eyes and said all looked well and that I was having a classic ocular headache.  We chatted for a long time as the symptoms subsided.  It seems that the cause of these headaches could not be pinpointed necessarily.  No I did not have a brain tumor he did not think!!!  He suggested I look for something else as a trigger in my body.  He said maybe I am lacking some nutrient from my diet or some such.

It really did not take long to pinpoint that my body was crying out for protein.  Where did I get it ?  No meat.  Few eggs.  Few beans as they are not a favorite.  I stopped eating pasta as much and put these things meat, eggs and the green beans back in my diet.  It was almost like magic.  The less I ate pasta the better my body felt.  All I was left with was fat on my frame.  My blood pressure was great, my cholesterol numbers were good and I no longer panicked not being near a bathroom.  It was food.

This leave me being a skeptic.  There is no one size fits all.  I have said it enough that I could probably write a book about it.  Hmmmmmmmmmm………….

Everything is good for us.  I believe we can eat whatever we want to eat.  When I see big names like Bill O’Reilley touting gluten free as a necessity I want to smash the TV.  He is not a Dr.  Then again neither am I.  I believe we have to do what is best for us.  Share with others as they may choose to listen and occasionally say BALDEREDASH and rant.

I believe in eating everything.  I cannot imagine going through life not tasting all the good foods out there.   I believe it is all balance and clean.  We can eat anything that grows.  Now gluten is in grain yet how much do you actually have to eat to be intolerant of it?  A piece of toast or a pasta dish could not create that could it?  Wouldn’t it have to an overindulgence or too much?  Perhaps it is the processing that creates the problem.  I used to make all of the bread for our family and I am certain gluten was in the mix.  None of us had health issues.

The start of this blog is that I am convinced that someone somewhere is making money off the gluten free industry that has popped up over this latest food dilemma.  I do not like being a cynic.  When something flashes in my face it is hard not to say BALDERDASH!  It is all good if you use your head and close your mouth not your mind.







American Food Fads



This week has been fraught with prayer for people who are ill.

On Tuesday we got an email from out of the blue about  friend that we had last seen on April 27th.  Dick looked good and full of humor and working as always at our ministry we share with he and his wife.  The email on Tuesday the 6th said:

“We are humbly asking for your prayers for Dick, he will be having a triple bypass surgery tomorrow, May 7th at about noon.  This was unexpected, as he wasn’t having any chest pain but had been feeling tired and was out of breath some times.  The doctor sent him for a stress test and the test where they put dye in his veins, about a month ago and the results were inconclusive so yesterday he had a cardiac catheterization and they found 3 major blockages.  The doctor tells us his heart muscle is strong and has not been damaged so they feel very positive about the results.  He is currently in the hospital and will be until about 5 days after his surgery.  I know in the end it is up to the Lord and he will answer all our prayers.”

The surgery went well despite finding a fourth blockage.  Prayers for Dick for an easy recovery.

Another  friend of ours, who also works with us in ministry, flew to Tennessee to be with her sister as the sister’s husband is fighting to come back from an April 28th surgery to insert a heart pump as he awaits a heart transplant.  The poor man has had two additional surgeries as he had blood clots.  To date he is off the vent and this morning the post said:

“Morning update: he had a good night–breathing is good. Creatin level up this morning–watching that. Goal today is to sit up on mobile bed chair. I got a happy to see you, when prompted, this morning. They will probably give him blood this morning. Hasn’t needed bipap since yesterday–leaving it up to nurse–May need after getting him up. Baby steps in this dance.”

It has been almost two weeks.  Prayers for Charley that today is the beginning of the uphill direction.

This last post said “baby steps in this dance”.  I immediately knew what needed to be shared on this facebook post.  I went to google to find it for sharing.  I found it and many other interesting bits when I put in the words ‘Dance With God”.  I have the google link below.  I was surprised to see the author is unknown.  I printed this out years ago and it sits atop my desk where I can read it every day so I not ever forget who is in control.

Sometimes a blog writes itself as the words pour out of my head and or heart.  Today the post is shared as I believe these words are important.



Author unknown

When I meditated on the word GUIDANCE, I kept seeing “dance” at the end of the word.  I remember reading that doing God’s will is a lot like dancing.  When two people try to lead, nothing feels right.  The movement doesn’t flow with the music, and everything is quite uncomfortable and jerky.  When one person realizes that, and lets the other lead, both bodies begin to flow with the music. One gives gentle cues, perhaps with a nudge to the back or by pressing lightly in one direction or another.  It’s as if two become one body, moving beautifully. The dance takes surrender, willingness, and attentiveness from one person and gentle guidance and skill from the other.

My eyes drew back to the word GUIDANCE.

When I saw “G,” I thought of God, followed by “u” and “i.” “God, “u” and “i” dance.  God, you, and I dance. As I lowered my head, I became willing to trust that I would get guidance about my life. Once again, I became willing to let God lead.

My prayer for you today is that God’s blessings and mercies be upon you on this day and everyday. May you abide in God as God abides in you. Dance together with God, trusting God to lead and to guide you through each season of your life. This prayer is powerful and there is nothing attached. If God has done anything for you in your life, please share this message with someone else, for prayer is one of the best gifts we can receive. There is no cost but a lot of rewards; so let’s continue to pray for one another.





Sunday morning and this morning I awoke having a horrid feeling.  It came to me why – I had two terrible dreams.  The dream I had that I remembered on Sunday morning I do not even want to speak about as it was too horrid even to mention.  I am having a hard time forgetting it.  I can still feel the feelings of foreboding and bleakness.  I can see the face that was so glaring and filled with disgust and hate.  It is something to forget and I am hoping it happens soon.

Yesterday the dream was not fearful it was simply strange.  I dreamed I was at a meeting in another state, which does happen, and I met a little 9 yr old boy.  He was absolutely adorable.  He had dark brown hair and very blue eyes.  His build was slight and athletic for a child.  We chatted and he told me he was related to me.  Knowing full right well that I did not have a relative in this area I was surprised.

Behind him sat a portly man who had on a suit complete with a yellow vest.  The man wore glasses and had a nice smile.  He had a fatherly air about him.  He reminded me of a bespeckled Nathan Lane.  His voice had a kind note to it.  He told me he was a lawyer.  He said I had sent out a query looking for someone else and this young boy was the result.  Then the suspected mother showed up and had no idea who the child was.  I recognized the mother and could not fathom why in the world this woman was in this totally unrelated meeting.  I woke up.  I was exhausted and trying to figure out what all this meant.

I know I had work to do that is centered on the topic of that meeting.  I once worked as a secretary/sort of paralegal for a lawyer.  I enjoy Nathan Lane as an actor. I have young male cousins.  It all still made no sense.

Dreams are interesting and I love when I can remember them – most of the time.  There have been times when dreams have been foreshadowing of things that actually happen to me.  One time I remember distinctly waking with a full outline of a presentation in my head.  I quickly wrote it down and developed the idea and still use it as a tool to this day.  I believed that talk was given to me by God.  I know I hear you – nuts she is – nuts I say!!!  The talk was for the ministry for which we give time.  It has been successful more than once in inviting people to join us.  Since the ministry is based on faith it seems logical that God gave me the ideas.

The easy source for info, Wikipedia, says Dreams are successions of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep.  Psychology today (1) says we still do not know why we dream.  There is a dream moods dictionary (2) online.  This source labels your dreams from A-Z and even interprets them.  There is a science reference for how dreams work.(3) Check them all out!

I looked up relative and stranger and found that:

Relatives:  To see your relatives in your dream signify family issues and feelings. Relatives are symbolic of some aspect of your own self.

Stranger:  To see a stranger in your dream signifies a part of yourself that is repressed and hidden. Alternatively, it symbolizes the archetypal dream helper who is offering you insight and advice.   To dream that a stranger is pretending to be someone you know means that this person who you know is not who you thought they were.

It seems I am to look to myself.  So I went back to Saturday night and Sunday and what did I do?  What did the two days have in common?

Saturday and Sunday were both filled with gatherings of friends.  On Saturday night I made and wore a hat as it was Kentucky Derby day.  Since Cinco de Mayo was going to be on Monday (today) I also made home-made guacamole to bring as a snack to share.

(An aside – our son-in-law has just graduated as a chef from Le Cordon Blue.  I called him as our daughter was at work.  The question was “is this Chef and may I have your wife’s recipe for guacamole!’  Thought it quite cute! )

Back to the point.  For the gathering on Saturday I told them I was uncertain of what to do so the Derby hat and guacamole covered all the bases.  There was little guac left when we departed so I guess it was a hit.

Sunday I prepared another batch of guacamole after speaking with our daughter and getting a larger list of ingredients.  They lived in Texas for a few years and really got into the Tex-Mex foods and shared them with us to our delight.  When we would visit we would spend the first night at a favorite restaurant gorging ourselves on the ethnic food.  They also discovered a grocery store that made fresh guacamole which became a standard purchase.  Again much of the second batch was consumed and enjoyed so I guess I did okay.

This morning after I awoke with the second weird dream I was consumed with trying to figure out why I had these two consecutively.  Later this morning it came to me – GUACAMOLE!  Perhaps being ethnic it can be related to native items like mushrooms or peyote that give you weird dreams.  If that is true I have found my cause.  It is not all that helpful except to prepare me for another weird dream tonight!

You see it is Monday May 5th and  that is Cinco de Mayo (why we celebrate the Battle of Puebla,Mexico is a whole other post) and Tacos and Mexican food, including more guacamole, are on the menu for supper tonight.


PS – After writing this I wondered how many times I used the word guacamole and does it qualify as the most for any one article?


