It is fascinating to me to watch the current resident of Pennsylvania   Avenue work.  First of all he seems to do little of that.  I think it would be interesting to put his office time as a percentage to his living in the White House up against other people who have been in the same situation.  I understand he has a 24hr a day job.  Yet he is on the golf course often.  He parties often.  When the 3AM phone call came on Benghazi it appears he went to bed and we know he went to Vegas.

Today more information will be coming out about the actual goings on in Benghazi.  It will now be interesting as well to see if news agencies other than Fox and the one lady at CBS – Sharyl Attkisson – are as persistent or even cover this hearing that is happening today.  The one question that people do not even acknowledge is “Was Benghazi ignored as it did not fit the narrative before the election?” Romney tried and sadly backed down.

If in fact it comes out that a ‘stand down’ order was delivered I hope the news agencies go after this with the fervor and persistence they did with Watergate or Iran Contra or Lewinsky.  If the information has any hint of a cover up then it deserves scrutiny.  Real scrutiny that only a free and unbiased press can give it.  Unbiased being the operative word and I have written about this before.

The current President continues to ignore this.  He continues to lead with a hands off approach and blame and finger pointing.  He reminds me of a child who is in fear of being caught and says “He did it” or “it wasn’t me” or the old “I don’t know”!  As recent as yesterday he did it again with referencing the ‘red line”.

I watched the news last night with eyes wide open in disbelief.  My only comment was “Really?”  The President was questioned about his ‘red line’ with Syria.  [To me it appears to be more of a squiggly faded pink line as it is not being upheld.]  He actually said in an answer to a question that he wanted to be certain.  He had evidence that Syria had gassed its own people yet he wanted to be certain.  He said he would not be able to motivate the world leaders with the suspicions they had heard and needed fact.  He said we went to war on evidence once before and we know how that turned out or words to that effect.  Once again it was a Blame Bush.  Really this far into HIS second term he is still blaming Bush.  Obama is the kid who does no wrong.  Obama the kid who points to the others – “they did it!”

I think this man is the worst leader we have had in my time on this earth.  His ineptness actually frightens me.  He is leading this country to distrust and likes it.  I have compared him to Nixon often and that is as far as I will go.  Others go further.

One thing I have not done with this blog is to use someone else’s words to fill my page.  I have thought of guest bloggers and left it at thought.  Today I am making an exception and going further.  I tried to cut and paste the entry and it did not work.  So I am introducing a facebook page to you my blog readers.

The new face book page is called “The Right Vantage” and the author has written a terrific entry about Benghazi.  Instead of using my own words today to explore what is to come in the hearings, I am sharing the link to ‘The Right Vantage” as being a clearer voice.  I hope you can open it and enjoy it.  Thank you “The Right Vantage”.
