Over 45 years ago when I met my husband I was not thinking of living with him.  I was falling in love with a guy who was attending a college of technology and planning on a career as an engineer.  I also was not looking at myself as an artist.  I was simply a girl who had shred any idea of college and enjoyed working in an office as I looked for my life mate.  I wonder what my life would have been like had I had the insights that I have today?  Probably not much different as we have to live and grow up and grow together to make a marriage work.  It is an ongoing learning experience.

Yesterday as I was working on the later list in the real now of the day it came to me again how different we are.  Not only we as in this household more the we as in our world.  What flavor and spice the differences add if you can look at them through a lens of love and joy and not hate or division.  This being the season of love and joy I will not focus on the latter.

The differences that add joy to our lives are simple.  It can be seen in our clothing.  I choose casual and relaxed and others choose tailored with distinct lines and others choose  a preppy look or a bohemian look.  Our demeanor shows this as well.  I walk through a mall with my head up and looking forward and observing all around me.  Others are walking through with purses held tight and head down plodding from place to place.  Are we open to what is before us or closed up?  I choose to focus on goodness and truth and others deal in lies and division.  Differences add spice and spice adds flavor and flavor makes for a wonderful life.

The differences in the artist and engineer came slowly.  Little things like budgets created interesting takes from each.   The engineer looked at the little picture of nickels and dimes and savings and the artist focused on the colors of life and what the monies could do to bring joy.  The engineer looked at the structure of a home and the artist wanted to color it.  This created a life that was occasionally loud!

The artist and the engineer are still alive and well and living in this house this season.  The artist decorates the engineer provides the power for a real division of labor.  There are a few cute stories that have already occurred that highlight how loving this can be despite the differences.

Yesterday as I was working on the later list in the now of the day the engineer happened to be home preparing for a business trip.  He had a few moments and helped me with the bed skirt for our bed.  It was time – later – to put on the Christmas bed linens.  The artist had always wanted, and now has accumulated,  bedspreads in a Christmas pattern for all the beds.  These are on for the 6 weeks (+) of the Christmas season.  The engineer has on occasion bemoaned the sense of this.

The engineer held the king-sized mattress up as the artist pulled and tugged and got the bed skirt on the box springs so the mattress could hold it in place.  THEN he even helped me make the bed.  The engineer no longer puffs and spouts about the uselessness of this effort.  He knows it colors our lives and in some incidences I believe enjoys and appreciates the color.  To the artists credit she found real love in the actions of help from the engineer.  Simple tiny acts of love can move huge mountains and make even the hardest heart melt.

The best and my most favorite incident of this season is the table runner.  From Thanksgiving to Epiphany our tables are covered with table runners appropriate to the season that the artist quilted.   To enhance the decorative effect of them the artist places them and puts a plant or candles on them.  To further add interest the artist will fluff the edges so that the runner does not sit flat – rather it has the look of being casually  tossed on  the table.   Each time the artist replaces it after a meal it is set thusly and maybe even on an angle.

Mornings or later in the day the table runner is flat on the table.  A smile comes across the artist’s face as she knows who has changed it and why.  The runner has been perceived as messy and needs straightening out so the edges are unfolded and flattened and it is square on the table.   She leaves it that way with love and joy and acceptance in her heart.

Isn’t this is the real meaning of Christmas.  Loving each other and appreciating our differences with love acceptance and joy?


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