After I wrote yesterday I decided to grab the moment and work in the now.  I did all the things I had on my list for the day plus a few extras.  I finally arranged all the Christmas decorations that I had unpacked and left sitting for ‘later’.  I fixed a coat for my husband that I had been meaning to get to for months.  I went through some of the magazines that are piling up.  I made a nice dinner and even took the time to Windex all the counters down after I cleaned up the dishes.  Not something I usually do with apologies to Pat who showed me otherwise!!!  The result of all of this is that when I shut the light off to go to bed last night the downstairs was in fairly decent order.

The second result of all of the effort yesterday was felt this morning when I came down the stairs and at the landing watched the snow for a bit.  I further descended into the kitchen to see cleanliness and order and was filled with a sense of peace.  This was only broken by the pile that still exists by the phone (for later) and the Office that is the bane of my existence.  The overall feeling however was peaceful and amazingly energized to do more today.   In the peace was a sense of well being and a desire to write even more.

Is this what happens when we remain current?  If the later is in the now then nothing is put off.  Is this what it means not to be burdened as we have crossed off our to do list and can move on to fun?  Is this the peace that allows us to explore our creativity? Must be as writing is utmost in my mind right now.

For me writing is a connection to my thoughts as I explore my world or topic and anyone who cares to read my posts.  Sure I would like to be published one day and actually receive benefit from that.  It may yet come.  My life is far from over especially since I plan on living to 124.  Am I someone now or will I be someone when I publish?  Kind of the later and now question with a different twist.

I received an email yesterday from our son.  He simply said in the subject line “I am somebody now.”  The body of the email had a link to his book for sale on Amazon.  I will share it as well in hopes of selling more books.

So here is the now/later twist.  Was he not somebody in the now and not now just somebody as in the later he is published?  Got to say I am a wee bit jealous.  He spent the time the energy and the effort to put together this book.  I am told I cannot read it as it is “absolutely offensive”.  This does not stop me from ordering it or promoting it.

An aside – my dad tells the story of “words in the workshop” from when he was a young boy.  It seems he and my grandfather spent a lot of time in Grumpa’s workshop building boat and traps and wood things.  They would talk and swear and enjoy each other.  It seems one day my father said one of those swear words in front of his mother and three sisters.  All of a sudden he had a whack across his face and was astounded.  It seems he had forgotten that what is said in the workshop stays in the workshop and is not for the ears of the rest of his feminine family.

A second aside – my maternal grandmother would say – “I heard the cutest story…” and then proceed to tell the most off color joke.  You were not sure if you should laugh or cry and certainly your face was red from embarrassment.

So our son has taken this a wee bit farther in publishing “workshop words” and “off color stories”.  There are those that will laugh and enjoy it.  There are those like me who will applaud the effort, buy it and share the accomplishment without a need to read.

I believe our son and our two daughters – I can only take credit for birthing one of these as the other came from another mother to our hearts and family.  I believe these three people are ‘somebodys’ simply by their being.  I believe that ‘good, bad or indifferent’ they are a gift to us and a blessing for the world.  They each in their own ways gift the world with blessings.  Our son, the author, now deals in humor.  Our daughter,  the cosmetologist by education now is making the world a prettier place by sharing her education and teaching others the art of hairstyle and make up.  Our daughter, the nurse, is sharing her skills by helping college students when they are ill.  They are somebody to us and hopefully others see the goodness of these three people as well.

I am ever amazed at where I go when I start to write each day.  This was going to be about a clean house and my efforts to live in the now and finish the upstairs so that I could really relax and enjoy the holidays.  Turns out I needed to tell my kids that I love them NOW not later.  It matters not what they do.  It only matters that they continue to live their best life…..even when they may contradict all we say like the cosmetologist teacher who would never allow me mother-daughter clothes and NOW is wearing mother-daughter with her 11 yr old lady!!!  Oh yeah life goes on………….as they live their best life now through humor, teaching and helping.

I love you three ‘somebodys’ !!!



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