I have suffered with sinus problems most of my life.  Sometimes the headaches are almost blinding.  Sometimes they are simply a pain in the neck only over my eyes and around my teeth – yes there are sinus cavities around your teeth.  Some mornings it is a struggle to get out of bed with this junk.  Medicine works and that to quote ‘Martha’ is a good thing.  It just takes longer some mornings to get going.  One day I will find a solution.  A neti pot does help.

My mind is scattered this morning to post much of anything.  I did some blog looking yesterday.  There are some fantastic blogs out there.  Really interesting and some are just plain fun.  One I like – and she sometimes reads me – is a blog called ‘iamrising’.  This girl is a true warrior.  I am not sure what all she suffers from in her life.  I have not read all of her blogs.  The ones I have read share her struggle with bulimia and pot.  The good news is she is succeeding.  Go look at her blog it is wonderful.  It is ‘’.

As I was reading her blog yesterday I was struck with the quality of her writing.  As you know I love words and language and the use of both.  I write my blog from my thoughts and feelings and my heart and try to go deep.  This young woman succeeds in writing her blog from all of those and includes her soul.  She leaves herself all across the page.  Such courage.  She challenges me to do better.

Another challenge I face daily is health in general.  While I am healthy I no longer have all the correct numbers on my chart – some are way over and some are under and all need to be reviewed to reach the best there is for me.  I have good genes – not talking levis here – and I need to do my part.

Last night I while attending a birthday party for my 70 yr old cousin I found myself walking down a hallway with other members of my family.  Now you know my Dad is 91.  While my mother passed away when she was 35, the rest of her family have longevity on their side.  As we, members of my mother’s family, were walking from my cousin’s apartment to the activity room I looked around to discover I was the youngest one in line.

We were being led by my 96 year old great aunt.  She is wonderful.  Sharp as a tack as ‘they’ say.  She hasn’t traveled much lately.  She read an article about a woman a 90 making a plane trip on her own and allowed as much as she thought she actually could fly from Bangor, Maine to DC once again for this party.  She packed her walker and VOILA!

Beside her was her 67 year very pretty old daughter.  Beside them was the birthday girl’s sister aged 79 and herself a really strikingly pretty woman.  My mother’s brother and wife were next in line.  My uncle is 87 and I think my aunt the same age or a year younger.  Then my husband at 66 and me at 65!  It has been a long time since I was the youngest in the group!  It was such fun.  There was my maternal history marching along – well sauntering – all healthy and laughing and in really good shape for all the ages.  It is a wonderment.

Today’s scripture talks about making our ‘increase abound in love for one another’ (1 Thessalonians 3:12-4:2) ‘so to strengthen your hearts’.  Well last night as I looked around the room at my maternal family my heart swelled with love and blessings.

The six of the  younger cousins were there with their parents.  The youngest cousin there was aged 6.  There they were my heritage from 6 to 96.  The Gospel today speaks of signs referring the tribulation.  Ignoring the dark reference I think I will look at the signs I had before me last night.  Health, vitality, celebration, love – does it get any better?



  1. I was happy to hear about the party. It took me a minute to figure out who the relatives were and then—–oh, right—–JANE. Dottie had told me about her 70th coming up. I’m happy that you were able to be there. Loved the descriptions of the party goers and their ages!!
    Love you,
    Aunt Becky

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