This morning I am grateful for my life.  Last night I attended two lectures and a game night.  It was a wild time here at OCS.  The lectures could be determined by many to be from opposite strata of life yet they worked beautifully together for me.

The first was about Feng Shui.  Okay I can see all your eyes rolling right now.  Oh my she has stepped into the new age mindset and is lost to any reasonable facsimile of reality.  Feng Shui is really ‘out there’- wherever there is for you.

Feng Shui is in short form is the harmonizing of us with our surroundings.  The Chinese made it an art.  Many today poo poo it as new age and thus ridiculous in its essence.  I on the other hand choose to have an open mind until I can make up my own decision about if it works or not.  I know for myself that there are areas in my home that I really enjoy and usually sit in them and experience peace and tranquility.  The Chinese said we can do this in a structured way so that all around you elicits these warm comfortable feelings all the time.  Who would not want comfort in their home?  I certainly do.  I was fascinated by this talk and am afraid I may have to move our bed when I get home for maximum comfort.  I will measure for certainty as I am certain of two things – the bed is large and I will receive resistance!  Hopefully once I clearly can see the room and measure all will remain calm.  Which is the goal.

The next lecture was entitled ‘Practicing the Power of Gratitude’.  Now I have been trying to live a more positive life for a long time.  I try to focus on the good and not the bad.  Pollyanna comes to mind and while I may not be exactly that I know some of my blogs have come across with the tone of the ‘happy happy joy joy’ of the cartoon.

The lecturer was Jerry Posner and a man I have not ever met.  He was warm and funny and welcoming and I was grateful for his delivery and message.  It is simple – live in Gratitude.  Be grateful for all you have.  During the lecture he mentioned red lights in traffic.  Long have my children plagued me as I say “Thank you Lord’ when I hit a green light and really needed it.  They said ‘God does not care about green lights.’  My contention is that God cares about me so that if I need a green light and He can help then he does!!!  I live in the world that I am only in control of what is before me at the minute and that God controls all else.

After the wonderful day I had here at OCS with my massage and dinner and friendship and the first evening lecture I was indeed grateful and believed I had my priorities in order.  When Mr. Posner asked if we ever wrote how grateful we were for someone I raised my hand.  I was surprised when he called on me and I shared that every day I tell my husband what I see in him for which I am grateful.  Mr. Posner asked me how long I had been doing that.  I answered, “For 25 years.”  At that point he stopped and looked and said, “Please tell the people that we have never met and that you are not my shill.”  Easy answer I was not.  I was not being boastful.  I was simply at one with myself and my world and grateful to share.

The evening ended with a game of Bingo that I have not ever played except with our grandchildren.  I won a prize!  I was very surprised.  Evidently my reactions showed that.  Someone in the audience said casually, ‘she looks like she never won anything before.   Someone else asked the question as I was going up to turn in my card, ‘Have you ever won anything?”  My immediate response was “Only my husband.”  I heard murmurs of ‘how sweet’, ‘isn’t that nice’ and the like.  For me it was a spontaneous response from a woman who at that time was feeling very grounded in my being.  The prize was a delight as it was the Canyon Ranch Cookbook that I was planning to buy before I left.

I continually wage war with myself and my insecurities as to how much I deserve in life.  Did I do this correctly? Am I living up to this measurement or guideline, do I deserve a day off or buying this dress which I probably will not wear much?  How can I spend this when we are saving for that?  Why come here and why not go back to college for more learning?  Have I been good enough?  Have I given enough, served enough, forgiven enough?  While there is a great little story out in the cyber world about the word enough, it does not answer my thoughts this day.

Last night I was feeling so aligned in my soul – God, My Husband, My Family, My friends and all was well.  Why do we allow ourselves to let  our personal wars derail our energies from what is right?

Well, Dear Readers, that is our humanity I believe.  That is why prayer is my ‘go to’ for worry and stress.  That keeps me grounded and centered.  Now I can add harmony and gratitude to my ‘go to’ bag.  It all works together when we keep our focus on our higher power and for me that is God who had a son Jesus who blessedly runs* with me every day.  My job is to remember to go visit Him at least weekly at His house!!!

By the way – OCS is a term our son has coined – Overly Comfortable Spa!!!



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