A couple of weeks ago I was reading my Sunday paper and came across an article written by Chelsea Clinton.  She was answering the question “Who Helped You?” in a short 250 word article.  I am thinking I must try to stay to 250 words!

The article was the sixth in a series of inspiration messages from NBC journalists in response to a request from ‘Make a Difference Day’.  NBC has partnered with them this year.  NBC has their own program called ‘Making a Difference’ to inspire millions to help others.

The description of the program from their website is,

“Make A Difference Day, the largest national day of helping others, is sponsored annually by USA WEEKEND Magazine and its 800 carrier newspapers. Make A Difference Day takes place on the 4th Saturday in October each year.”

I had no idea of this movement.  What a great idea.  I went to the website and it led me to some interesting history.  In his inaugural speech in 1989 George H.W. Bush called for ‘1000 points of light’ to come forth and serve America.  In 1990 the ‘Daily Point of Light Award’ was established.  It was an award for individuals who make a difference in their communities.  President Bush formally recognized and awarded 1000 volunteers during his administration.

Then from the website I found even more history. 

In response to President Bush’s call to action, Points of Light Foundation is created as an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization to encourage and empower the spirit of service. The new nonprofit extends President Bush’s vision, understanding that “what government alone can do is limited, but the potential of the American people knows no limits.”

The Presidents that followed helped continue this volunteer action by adding programs of their own.  In 1993 President Bill Clinton founded ‘AmeriCorp’, a national service program.  In 2002 President George W. Bush created the ‘USA Freedom Corp’ in his State of the Union speech.  In 2009 President Barack Obama signed Ted Kennedy’s “Serve America Act”.  In 2009 as well President Barack Obama began his ‘United We Serve’ campaign.  Each subsequent President has believed and supported volunteerism in America.

I also found: 

2007: Points of Light Foundation and HandsOn Network merge to become Points of Light, creating the largest volunteer management and civic engagement organization in the nation.

Make a Difference Day is a part of the Points Of Light Program.  Is is so interesting all that is being done throughout our country.  Newman’s Own has supported this program by giving $130000 in awards to deserving activities.

I got carried away finding out all this information and wanting to share it that I got completely away from the point of the post. 

I believe in volunteerism.  It is a part of my heritage and upbringing.  My own mother was a Girls Scout leader, my mother Marie was our youth group leader and my Dad spent many a week in the summer as a counselor at our church camp Pilgrim Lodge.  I carried on this tradition in my own life in schools and community.  I even had, at age 20, an application to join VISTA – Volunteers In Service To America.  Before I filled it out I met my husband – enough said.  The intent was there and my service to America was from my own communities.

Make a Difference Day called me to look at how in this last minute I can serve on Saturday the 27th.  I am not able to participate this year this day in an organized activity.  Next year I can see if there is a project in our community or even start one perhaps.  I volunteer on a regular basis in other areas which will have to count this year for tomorrow. 

Helping my neighbor is a big deal to me.  I believe it does not have to be organized.  It can simply be a small act of kindness.  That is service.  Taking over some cookies or calling to see how people are.  Keeping in touch.  I do not believe ‘Make a Difference’ has to be only one day a year.  We can try to do it everyday in our everyday lives.  How can you make a difference?  An even better question to ponder is the one Chelsea Clinton answered.  Who helped you?