Once again I greet this keyboard with an idea of what I am going to write only to be waylaid by another thought.  Wonder if Erma Bombeck had this problem.  Not that I am her of course!  I wouldn’t mind being in the same category however.  I really liked her columns and books.

The Slow Down title is that I have discovered that I have made some mistakes in my posts.  I have to remedy them.  I also have to comment on some of them as well as add some things that I promised I would do and have not.  Now that was really confusing and rambling!

Father Bob McDonald used to pray a prayer of slow down.  I loved to be there when he did.  It was not a rote prayer.  He would make it up as he went along yet when he got to the slow down part it was wonderful.  I could feel my body unwind as he said “slow down” so slowly and deliberately.  I could see an image of a spring completely tight.  When Father Bob said slow down I could see the spring unwind ever so certainly until it was back to its normal size.  Another vision is a cat stretching and arching its back way up and then reaching the paws way out.  Got to get back to Yoga!

So slow down and fix!  First I made a huge mistake in yesterday’s post and luckily have people who read and care and called me on it.  Hoping I was able to correct it before too many people read it. President Obama did not say over $250,000.  He said he would not raise taxes on those who are earning UNDER $250,000.  The taxes documented there will hit the latter group.  I also want to add that we personally have been hit with some of these taxes already.  We refinanced our home last spring.  On the closing document was a 3.8% tax that we had no idea what it was and of course asked.  We were told it was for Obamacare!

Second in the comments on this blog I was asked by Aunt Nance what my favorite thing to do is.  I am working on a posting about that and in all honesty not sure what I will choose.  I like lots of things.

Another comment was about me being thin skinned.  I am so glad people are commenting!!!  I answered that directly.  It might be helpful for me to share my thoughts here as well.  I cannot judge, plan, think how I am going to feel in any given moment – nor do I think anyone else can.  Feelings just happen.  That is okay.  If mine were hurt then I can choose how to react.  I could have screamed at that person and told them just what I was feeling and further what I was thinking about the way I was being treated.  That would not have been pretty I do not think.  Perhaps I am not liked by this person so what would my reaction matter to them?  Instead I accentuated the positive and kept it to myself and developed a blog about negativity.  I am thinking that was the better way.

Lastly, when the coffee cake post was made I promised someone who commented personally to my face that I would put up the cookie recipe so here it is.

Mom’s Icebox Cookies

 1C Crisco

1 tsp salt

1C Brown Sugar

1C White Sugar

2 Eggs

1C chopped nuts (optional and I leave them out – I judge I am nutty enough)

1/2 tsp soda

3C Flour

1 tsp vanilla

*Blend Crisco with salt and sugar/add eggs/add dry ingredients

*Divide in half on wax paper/roll into 2 long logs and close wax paper around them

*I put them in a freezer bag or I suppose you could use aluminum foil

*When I want some cookies I take them out and thinly slice off what I want

*Bake for 8-10 min at 350 till brown……..

I also have Auntie’s Ice Box Molasses – that is for another day as well as the explanation as to what an icebox is for those who are too young to remember!!!