More to the point yesterday was Frozen Food Day!  These amazing little celebrations fly right by with no acknowledgment at all.  I must stop and congratulate this day!!!  You have come a long way Baby!!

Does anyone remember the original frozen foods?  I believe I did a whole blog on TV dinners.  It was on Nov 24, 2012 ‘Thanksgiving and more’.  I remember looking them up on Wikipedia and finding the origins.  Frozen Food is so much more now.

In case you thought I was kidding!

It’s the 30th annual National March Frozen Food Month in 2013!  An exciting tie-in with DreamWorks film,The Croods will support the theme “Discover a Whole New World of Frozen.” NFRA will be placing a national FSI and running a consumer sweepstakes on website. Now is the time to start planning and building partnerships for a successful promotion to invigorate March sales!

36 Million National FSI Circulation

A three-page FSI with a circulation of 36 million will drop on March 3, 2013. It will include coupons and product photos of the participating brands. The FSI will announce the DreamWorks film, The Croods movie tie-in with the “Discover a Whole New World of Frozen” theme and the consumer sweepstakes hosted

Consumer Sweepstakes

Promoted nationally in the FSI, the Family Adventure Sweepstakes will attract consumer interest and entries. Consumers can enter online NFRA members are encouraged to promote the sweepstakes as an added value to the consumers.

Facebook Freezer Giveaway

A four-week Freezer Giveaway courtesy of Hussmann will engage fans on the Easy Home Meals Facebook page. One freezer given away each week will drive consumers to our page and promote March.

Golden Penguin Awards

March Frozen Food Month will offer another opportunity to win the prestigious Golden Penguin Award for outstanding merchandising during March. Awards will be presented at the National Frozen & Refrigerated Foods Convention in San Diego, October 19-22, 2013. See the Golden Penguin Rules and Entry Form for more information.

This is big stuff.  I am not a huge fan of pre-prepared foods.  I am a scratch cook for the most part excepting things like pasta and bread.  Used to make our bread and no longer do that.  I have to admit that frozen pizzas are so much better than the old cardboard with tomato sauce days.  Tuesday night in fact we had three different kinds for supper.  Freschettas brushetta thin crush had a flavor as good as one I’ve eaten in a restaurant.

Then there is the convenience.  I have a Schwan’s man!!!   I have had a Schwan’s man since 1982.  He brings frozen food to my door.  When we moved from state to state I got in touch to have deliveries started wherever I was living.  Our first move to a new state I saw the truck one day and almost followed it.  The child with me in the car shouted for me not to act so silly!

They have a variety of foods.  Convenience of casseroles and frozen vegetables and of course the ice cream.  In the heat of the summer this saves me lots of issues with shopping!  They also do have the best vegetables I have tasted.  Flash frozen is the key I understand.

I am a pain in the neck about fresh.  Have not always been and am now.  If I have a steak I want it bought today.  I will freeze it though it really is not ever as good as the day it is purchased.  Same with fish or any other meat.

My habit when going to Maine was to stop and get fresh haddock for my treat as an evening meal upon arrival.  I would put together a small chowder as I unpacked or sauté a piece of fish to have with a salad when I was done my chores.  One time I was at the grocery and there was a definite difference in price – fresh was $1+ more than the ‘frozen on the boat haddock’.  What was the difference I asked?  The salesperson said the frozen was done right on the boat so minutes from the water as opposed to the fresh having to travel in from the catch to the store.  I bought a little of both.  That night I cooked a piece of each.  I had to admit to myself that the ‘frozen on the boat’ actually tasted better.  Who Knew?

Frozen Food has come a long way.  Having a Schwans’ frozen beef pot pie to celebrate!!!  Happy Frozen Food Month.