I am betting that I have more than once spoken about how quiet this building is once the grandchildren have left.  Today is no different.  The last ‘package’ was delivered yesterday.  Yesterday afternoon I did not accomplish much and did not excoriate myself for that lack of performance!  Today is another day.

Our annual “Grandcamp” was held early this year.  We have a busy end of July first of August schedule so we had to make alternative plans for the funfest with our three grandchildren.  June was the month and a fun time it was.  We had the two olders with us for the whole month and the youngest joined us the last week for camp.  He is here regularly as he only lives 2 hours away.  The others we only see a couple of times a year.

Our time this year consisted of swimming everyday rain or shine.  We had crafts and art and archery and incorporated some USA geography and state history to round out the agenda.  Of course we tie-dyed shirts which is a favorite.  A trip to the Zoo was the kick-off.  Movies and board games every night ended up fun as well.  We played Life and Monopoly.  Since the children are older we introduced them to RISK.  The 9yr old beat us twice!!!  It was a great week.

This morning I awoke to quiet which I have done every morning as the older they are the longer they stay up at night the later they sleep in the morning.  This morning I made my bed and got dressed for the day.  During Grandcamp I simply got up, went to the office, stayed in my robe until swimming time which was between 10 and 11 each morning.

During Grandcamp at about 9 the parade of hugs would begin.  It was interesting to see who would awake first.  Each day it was different as they seemed to take turns amazingly.  Each of them came into the office where I usually was sitting.  Each one gave me a morning hug with an ‘I love you Grandmama’.  Can you imagine a better way to start the day?  I cannot.

This morning I got my coffee and sat at the desk and waited.  Alas this morning there was no ‘Pele’ screaming around the corner with my hug.  No ‘Katniss’ slipping in quietly for a squeeze.  ‘Steve Jobs’ was absent with his large hugs – he has become taller than the Grandmama!

Even as we delivered each child back to their parents I knew this morning was coming.  What I failed to remember was that the quiet can be so deafening.

Hello darkness, my old friend,
I’ve come to talk with you again,
Because a vision softly creeping,
Left its seeds while I was sleeping,
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence. (1)

So perhaps it is time now to “Bring in ‘da Noise, Bring in ‘da Funk”!!!(2)  I think I need to make a list to restock the pantry and clean the house!!!




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