Sometimes we get tagged with labels.  I have a great disdain for labels by the way.  A label does not allow for change.  Once you are pinned it appears that this is who you are for the rest of your life.  This label can last from childhood.  Occasionally we live up to the same label.  Occasionally and hopefully for most, we all grow up and out of those paradigms.

I know (perhaps I will soften that with I believe) that I have the persona in the world.  I believe people see me and think that I am a take charge, get it done formidable kind of person.  I have heard the words barracuda, bulldozer and non-caring used in association with how I might get things done.  I cannot change that perception.  It is the reality of those who hold it.

Another label that I believe I wear, and may be equally in force,  is that of a cheerleader.  I was a cheerleader from the time I was in 7th grade until I graduated from High School.  That was when I actually was limber and could move and jump around doing one terrific cartwheel after another!  Now I still am a cheerleader even with the aches and constraints of aging joints.  Hopefully that is the perception and reality of the many that I encourage.   

Cheerleading can be a part of parenting as well.  I cannot count the times I have encouraged my children to “look it up”; “Check it out”; “give it a try”;”help your friend”;”give this a read” and so forth over the years.  Now I am doing the same with our grandchildren.  The books we buy are full of information.  Books to draw creatively.  Books to expand your horizons and give this world a try.  It is the best world we have found!!!

Last week I adorned this mantel yet again.  I think that after our last class reunion I said I would not get involved and let someone else take a turn.  As I am starting to write things on our 2015 calendar I realize that this is a big year for us.  Not wanting it to pass unnoticed I sent out an email to our classmates to get the ball rolling.  GO PHS CLASS OF 19XX!  The good thing is that many are in agreement with having a reunion.

This morning I had another opportunity, unsolicited of course through social media, to once again become the perpetual cheerleader.  A young cousin of mine is paving her own path.  She is graduating from high school this year at age 16.  I cannot comprehend that in my soul.  I was not ready at 16.  Many are not.  The flip side of that statement is that many are and are held back by a system that thinks they know more than parents.  While the system has changed I do not believe that there ever was a time when parents had less control over what happened in schools than now.  This is quite a step for this young person.

This morning on facebook she shared the college she is going to attend in the fall and the course of study of which she is about to pursue.  I read all the congrats from her friends and sat there in awe of the step this young woman is taking.  Of course being the ever encouraging cheerleader it seemed important to add some words of encouragement.  I love Robert Frost and this young lady certainly is choosing “The Road Not Taken”. 

I wrote”….since I was in the fourth grade I wanted to be a teacher.  In high school I changed my mind a couple of times and still went to a teachers school.  I quit twice as it was not what I wanted.  I wanted to be out ‘in the world’ and I wanted to be married and a mother.  I was berated for my choices when I voiced them.  “Is that all you want.”  The problem was I had not met the man (or any man I liked enough) I was to marry.  Whether you believe there is one path for everyone or multiple paths there are a couple of things that are necessary to move forward.  Choice and support. Blessedly you have both of those.  Scripture says:”And  now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” Keep the faith, live in hope and know you are loved.   In the end as a wife, mother and volunteer I think teaching simply was part of who I am. Good for you and “go make YOURSELF proud” as your great uncle always told me!!! Congratulations to you Younger…..well done!!!”

After I wrote that I thought I must keep it as a blog.  I loved my own turn of the phrase.  I find it good advice for anyone and especially myself on a down day.  “Keep the faith, live in hope and know you are loved.”  

I may stencil that on a wall somewhere!  Have I done a blog on stenciling yet??



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