Want to sell your product easily?  Find someone who likes it and give them a good deal.  There is no better salesman than a satisfied customer.  They love what they have and appreciate the product.  I know as I am selling my most recent purchase to all who will listen.  I am going to contact the Director to see if sales have gone up today and then take credit for all of them as well as ask for additional discounts!!!

This morning I had the opportunity to speak about another ‘product’ that is a favorite of mine.  I was chatting with one of the gals that work here and mentioned that my husband and I work with the Worldwide Marriage Encounter ministry.  She told me her husband’s parents had been very active in the movement years ago.  They thought it was wonderful and presented weekends and of course encouraged this gal and her husband, their son, to go.  They had not as yet.  I entered into the conversation supporting the choice to go on a Worldwide Marriage Encounter.

She said they still had kids at home and I said it was the best gift they could give each other.  We went back and forth as I enthusiastically touted the ‘product’ of the greater relationship that could result from this opportunity,  I think she will go in her time.  Perhaps as with all else she will go in God’s time and hopefully that is soon or I will be saying the same thing to her next year when I see her again.

It is a simple formula.  If you are happy you want others to be happy as well.  Whether it is a skin cream or a new book or a relationship weekend, the best way to boost your sales is to find people who love it and have them tell their story.  They are happy and filled with gratitude.

Does this not go back to a few days ago and the post then.  Living in gratitude is a wonderful way to live.  There is a smile on your face and a lightness to your steps.  I challenge everyone today to find one thing they are grateful for and go sell it.  It may be as simple as telling someone you are grateful for them and you love them.  That ‘product’ is sorely missing in our world.  YOU can begin a revival!


By ktsquared Posted in Trivia


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