It seemed extremely odd these last two days not to be typing away at the computer first thing in the morning.  Or posting a pre-written post.  Frankly I missed it.  The joy was that we were visiting friends in upstate NY and enjoyed our time there.  Wonderful people! Joyous time.  I even read a book on the trip up and back.

The thing that is removed from me is pressure.  I no longer have to get up and post.  I can if I choose.  Today I choose.  I am thinking that most days in the coming future I will post.  I enjoy the writing and exercising my brain first thing.  I know I will be posting on my political blog.  Already have some ideas!

With the pressure removed I am experiencing a slower pace.  I am not racing to the computer.  This came to my world visually yesterday as we came back through Lancaster.

Last year in July I believe I wrote extensively about the Amish people.  They do seem to have a much slower pace of life.  Yet do they?  Is the slow simply the view from the outside?  Is there pace as fast as ours only for different reasons?  They are slower as they take no shortcuts like electricity!  Or motorized vehicles!  Perhaps they still have stress to get the crops in, the barn built or the animals fed.  As we passed them yesterday I wondered.

It being a nice Sunday afternoon we passed many buggies out for a ride.  Most appeared to be filled with young people.  It appeared to be ‘dates’ of a girl and a boy out for an afternoon ride.  Occasionally there were 4 in a buggy.  The one that was so cute appeared to be a couple with a younger brother sitting in the front, appeared to be a sort of tongue, looking at the couple.  Now these could also have been three siblings.  It was more fun thinking of the youngster as the chaperone.

It still is a slower pace.  Our vehicle goes fast and yet we had to stop to a crawl to pass them.  Luckily patience was with us and we were not in a hurry.  I lost count of the number of buggies we saw.

I have not lost the feeling of relaxation that came over me.  It was as if I had stepped into a warm tub to let the water unwind my muscles.  Watching the Amish laugh and enjoy driving their buggies to and fro was a lovely picture as the time passed while we meandered through route 472!  I need to keep a reminder of this feeling.  Perhaps I need a picture of a buggy posted in my house.  It is already in my heart and mind still today.


By ktsquared Posted in Trivia

2 comments on “A SLOWER PACE

  1. One of the things I recognized as I got further into my working for money career was that nearly all deadlines were artificially arrived based upon the whim of a “superior” that being someone with more say in the matter than I had. This was even more recognizable when I became my own “superior” and worked for myself. So frequently we are so conditioned to have superiors tell us what the deadline is that we believe there must be a deadline attached to everything in our lives to create motivation. That leads so many of us down the ever-crooked path of stress where no matter where we stand on the path we can never quite make out the next intersection of life. I pray that everyone can get past the “owe-sy” part of life and truly settle into the pure enjoyment of just living life. Join me…..

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