I had another good night’s sleep last night!  Hooray for me!!!  I question the doctors that want to put me on a CPAP machine.  I have in hand an order to do a sleep study.  I also have a couple of friends who have joined others of my friends in getting CPAP machines.  Everyone says they love them and that they are sleeping much better.  I really think that is wonderful.

A CPAP machine is for:

What Is CPAP?

CPAP, or continuous positive airway pressure, is a treatment that uses mild air pressure to keep the airways open. CPAP typically is used by people who have breathing problems, such as sleep apnea. (1)

I have not made an appt to do the sleep study.  I have no intentions of doing so at this point.  Look at the logic of it from my perspective.  I have a problem with sleeping well.  Why would I subject myself to go to a place I do not know to sleep in a bed that is unfamiliar all wired up to cords that are dangling all around me to get an accurate account of how I sleep?  The operative word here would be accurate!

Last night the conditions were just right.  It was cool out.  The windows were open.  The fan was going and blowing the cool air around.  I had showered.  I was lying on freshly cleaned sheets in a freshly made bed with nor wrinkles or bumps.  It was soft and firm and my own bed.  I had my boyfriend purring beside me.  I slept well.  Can they duplicate those conditions in a study?

Since I occasionally sleep very well it is not the waking in the night that is the problem.  It is the getting to sleep that is in question.

I got thinking about these CPAP machines.  Have you seen them? (2)  They look like something from outer space.  I am such a “Princess and the Pea” sleeper that I cannot imagine wearing one.  I am certain it would keep me awake.  Then again as one doctor said – you are awake anyway!  The fact is they work for those who need them.

In this time of brilliance in medical fields I am wondering why so many people have to wear them.  Why have we not looked at the root cause of all of this?  Why are so many people diagnosed with sleep apnea?  What has changed?  Did these people simply die years ago?  Is it toxins in our world or our bedrooms?  Is it the pace of our world?  Why are so many diagnosed with this each year?

Then I had a funny notion that if I were an Isaac Asimov or Ray Bradbury or Arthur C. Clarke I could certainly write a tale about people being fitted with masks for common medical reasons.  Then subtly things change a bit.  Then they are all injected with a gas through the nose to bring them to obedience and foster the cause of the exalted high whomever.  Then again I am none of those famous men!  I am simply a blogger with a weird imagination.


