There will be no lengthy diatribe, dissertation or otherwise words for public consumption.   Last night we were enjoyed the arrival of friends we have not seen in over 5 years at least if not more.  We had mutual friends join us for dinner.  The evening was packed with food and frivolity and fun.

This morning it continues.  It led me to look up the song “Make New Friends and Keep the Old”.  The words are below.

The derivation of it is attributed to Juliette Gordon Low.*

Make new friends, The love of music started with founder Juliette Gordon Low, who used the Kent County Song Book, which contained folk songs from the British Isles. As Girl Scouting grew in the U.S., there was need for a songbook that reflected American life.

Make new friends
But keep the old.
One is silver,
And the other, gold.
A circle’s round
It has no end
That’s how long
I’m gonna be your friend.

A fire burns bright,
It warms the heart.
We’ve been friends,
From the very start.
You help me,
And I’ll help you
And together
We will see it through.
The sky is blue
The Earth is green
I can help
To keep it clean.
Across the land
Across the sea
Friends forever
We will always be.

Love living life to music.



By ktsquared Posted in Trivia