I just watched a news clip from the morning news shows about a mother who discovered an armed man in the third seat of her car.  He popped up and demanded money.  She had two children in the car and said she did not have $200.  He threatened to hurt her kids and jumped over the seats.  He got to the front seat she wrestled the knife out of his hand hit him in the face and forced him out the door.  She then pursued him in her vehicle accidentally running over him.

She is being touted as a hero.  My wondering this morning is would this be the same for this Texas Mom had she pulled a legal concealed carry handgun on him and forced him out of the car?

I believe the gun discussion in this country has gone way over the edge.  We cannot bite a breakfast food to look like a gun.  A 14 year old young man was suspended and arrested for wearing a pro NRA T-shirt to school.  Seriously?  It was said it was because he refused to replace the T-shirt when asked and not the message of the shirt that brought the actions.  Do not believe that from reading the article.

Both of these incidences I believe portray how far out of control our country has come.  A mother was protecting her children and is called a hero and a 14 yr old boy expressing the protection of his Second Amendment is thrown in jail?  Where are we??


By ktsquared Posted in Trivia