Yesterday was a beautiful day outside.  The sun was shining the air was clear and cool.  It even seemed to warm up into the 60s.  After I did some errands I was indoors all day long.  That was a good thing.  Lesson learned for me.

Years ago, and we cannot exactly determine how many, I made a quilt for my 2nd sister.  I came across some fall colors and she loves fall so it seemed a perfect fit to me. I found a crazy quilt pattern that I wanted to attempt and it all fit ever so well as this sister’s life had been more crazy than most of us.  On top of it she beat cancer twice!!! No going into all of it as it is unnecessary.  Crazy life crazy quilt in fall colors it worked!

We think I gave it to her in 2006 and surely before 2007 as the picture I have of the completed quilt was taken in a home we left in 2007.  It was literally handmade.  Every stitch was done by hand.  I sewed the squares by hand, joined them by hand and quilted and finished it with a blanket stitch by hand.

When I was planning my trip to the cottage she asked me if I thought I could repair it.  It seems she uses it every day.  It sounded like it needed a new back so I said I would bring some fabric or could get a sheet as being more sturdy.  She assured me she would bring the quilt and sheet so I could do the repair.  Oh my!

When I saw the quilt I was not sure whether I should laugh or cry.  It was terribly faded from lots of washings.  Did I mention this sister is a neat freak borderline OCD???  The edges were tattered and torn and looked like a flag that had been battered by wind and rain as it fluttered in the breeze.  It reminded me of all the “Annie” dolls I have in my closet and cannot toss.

Our daughter loved Raggedy Ann.  She would hold Annie’s hair in her fingers, her blanket wrapped around her hand as she sucked two fingers watching TV or sleeping.  I transplanted more red Annie hair than I care to remember.  Bought more dolls.  I believe I have at least three dolls in that bag in various stages of tattered.

Yesterday I stayed indoors to make the repairs to my sisters quilt.  I had to first fix the back.  The sheet was too small so I had to rip, fit and improvise ever thankful that I had some more fabric with me that is also green though does not match.  It is a square corner to remind us of the ‘fix’.  I have a very small sewing machine in the cottage so was able to stitch that piece together.  There was no way however that the newly turned edges would fit through the machine.  What to do.  I decided that I would tie knots to hold the back to the front and then blanket stitch around the edge once again.

It took me over 6 hours to do all of this.  I am usually not one to stick with a project.  I have many such projects in my basement – my sewing girl cave as it is.  I have been noted to say that I rarely worry about what to do as I have something I can go to at all times.  The fact is my follow through is not what it could be.  Yesterday was different for some reason.  I could have done some and put it aside to work on the next few days while I am here.  I did not.  I sat at the large round kitchen table moving the quilt around as I made the knots at certain corners.  Then I started the stitching of the edge.  I was watching some inane movies on TV as entertainment.  I sat right there and sewed until it was completed.

I did not realize the determination I had when I began.  It also seems unreal that it took that long to sew around the edge of this quilt.  It did.  I realized at one point that my back was aching and got up and sat on the couch for a bit.  I chose another show to watch and back to it.

As I sewed I marveled at the fact that the whole quilt was still intact and it was just the edges that were frayed.  As I said it was faded.  I sewed more.

I thought how through the cold Maine winters this quilt had kept my sister warm as she read or watched TV or just enjoyed sitting on her couch looking at the snow.

I entertained the thought of putting it away and doing something else and did not.  I could have as I have a few more days and I could give myself a break.  I did not and could not understand why.  I am not one to stick with any project for hours at a time as I have said.  I felt almost compelled to complete this task  on that day.  I did.

As I look back on it I am still mulling what kept me on task.  I thought determination and know I can beat that word with a cockeyed rational of why I could stop.  I thought perhaps it was pride that my work had stood up and now could again be used?  I am not a prideful person so this did not ring true.  I thought of expediency and getting it done and then again I can rationalize a way not to put something off.

I am very good at that.

As I type today I still do not know actually why I sat there inside on a sunny day and completed the task.  Does it really matter?  Maybe not.  It is done and looks pretty good though is an inch smaller all the way around!  I may not ever know from where my energy and determination came.

What  I do know is that I am pleased I made that quilt.  I am pleased my sister loves and uses  it. I am not close to hug her often and if this faded quilt does this than I am happy.

I suppose I could look at it as a metaphor for life.  If we are solid in our foundations and relationships in our lives then we can survive when life pulls at us and tatters our edges.  Everyone is entitled to one (or more) do-overs and this was what I was doing for this quilt – giving it new life. After what my sister has overcome I guess perhaps I thought I could stick to this task.  It turned out to be a very satisfying day!


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