Albert Einstein said, ‘Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.’  While not as educated (though I did not fail math), I have to agree with Mr. Einstein.  Since my walk in faith began I can see God working though not necessarily while I was walking. I see God’s Hand in my life so clearly now with 20/20 hindsight that we all are gifted with at some point.


On this first day of my 66th year – we had a major discussion about this over dinner last night.  I was not just 65 I was now 66.  I cannot fault the logic that when we are 1 it is a celebration of our first year in this life.  With this logic my birthday yesterday then celebrated that I had lived 65 years.  So am I 65 or beginning my 66th year or both?  I am so thankful that we can be as young as we feel and today I think I will choose 43!  As I was saying…


On this first day of the rest of my life I plan to look forward with my eyes wide open.  I began blogging June 1st.  I said then I have wanted to be a writer all of my life.  In our Diocesan newspaper recently there was an announcement of a lady, Michelle Chynoweth,  in our parish writing a book.   Later I heard of and joined her blog.  It was her blog that was the inspiration for mine.  Last Sunday as well as this Sunday we ended up sitting next to each other in church.  We have a very large parish so this is interesting to say the least.  This Sunday I introduced myself to her and thanked her for being an inspiration.  Coincidence or God putting me in a position to say thank you?


My Godson’s wife’s sister – how is that for around about way to get to the point – is a writer as well.  Jennifer Skiff has written a book called ‘God Stories’.  It sits on my coffee table in my living room.  It is filled with occasions of people living their lives and a ‘coincidence’ occurs.  These people, Jennifer and I the reader believe it was God working in there lives not coincidence.  It sits accessible for me when I have a blue mood I can read tangible evidence and remind myself that God IS here and working daily!  It is me who has to change at that point!


Both Michele’s (The Faithful One) and Jennifer’s (God Stories) books are available on Amazon.  


Today a short simple post.  I plan to enjoy this day as being the one that God has given me to live to the fullest and be open to His work.