Sharp Knives


“…..but wait, if you purchase these right now we will double the offer and add a special gift…”.  We all sat through a TV Sales pitch chuckling at the ‘but wait’ and the belief that what is being sold is really not useful.  Yet we sit there.  Have you been in Kmart and heard ‘Blue Light Special” and gone to see what is up for sale?  I am with you on both of these.  It is interesting.

On Thursday last I was in Wal-Mart getting a few things to restock the pantry after being gone for a long weekend.  All of a sudden across the microphone came a voice that said ‘Wal-Mart Shoppers, if you want a free paring knife go to the red kiosk in produce and meat.”   

As it happened I took my favorite knife with me to the cottage this past weekend to leave as I was tired of the dull knives that were left by a former tenant.  It has not been the top of the list to replace them even though I detest dull knives.  Dad was a butcher in one of his early jobs.  As I was growing up I remember Daddy sharpening our knives regularly with a honing stone.  We were given two very nice knives and a honing rod as a wedding gift from a friend who was a cook.  Sharp knives are important to those of us who like to work in the kitchen.  A dull knife causes major frustration.  The thought of a free stainless steel paring knife was tempting despite my belief that stainless steel is hard to keep sharp.

 I was first to the appointed spot as I was already in the meat department.  The wait was not long as a small crowd grew and our spokesman arrived.  From the microphone on his head I knew we were in for the ‘hard sell’.  He started by bringing out a board, a knife and a juicer that is placed directly into fruit.  He explained the juicer and showed the paring knife. I was getting bored and about to walk away when he brought out the ‘star’ of the program.  It was the “Forever Sharp” knife.  He proceeded with all the claims.  He cut a tomato ever so thin.  He said it would cut into a hammer.  Evidently I really looked skeptical as he said so and asked me to hold it and verify that it was indeed real which I did.  He cut into the claw of the hammer and there were indeed iron shavings.  He cut another tomato with that knife with the same precision as before.  Then he began the real pitch – we could have this knife that was worth $200…for $33.95.  BUT WAIT – we could have two and if we agreed to give one away we could have three ‘Forever Sharp’ knives along with the lifetime guarantee.  If we really wanted them we could also have a filet knife, 4 steak knives and two paring knives as well.  AND the package would include 2 juicers valued (inFlorida) at $3 apiece.  Would we buy this? as he placed a box in each of our hands – all for the price of $33.95!  He was good.

I walked away with my set and bought it, knowing that a decent paring knife itself costs between $5-$10.  I have used the “star’ knife, a paring knife, the filet knife and a juicer so far.  The steak knives are no longer than a paring knife and the grip is different.  I believe it was worth the $33+.  I am actually thinking of going back for another as he is there until Monday.  It certainly is better than what is in the cottage.  I am thinking this set may stay here and my old used good knives will wend there way up to Maine.  BUT WAIT – it was a fun fairly inexpensive experience!


By ktsquared Posted in Trivia