First Post


 Today is the first foray into the world of blogging for me.  One of my greatest desires has been to write a novel.  I have three started – the operative word is started.  In the meantime I write at least a page a day and have done so for over 24 years.  Much of my writing is in letter form and this blog may in fact take that form on some days. 

 It has been a hard chore trying to come up with just the right name for the blog.  I wanted it to reflect who I am.  Using my given name of Kathleen or Kathy did not work.  No matter what I came up with using my name was taken or there was something close according to google.  I thought of what I wanted to do and that was to ‘chat- just because’.  Even that had a close match on the web.  I actually went to that site and ordered some soap.  I will add a link to it.  Then jokingly I threw out “Lobstah Letters – just beclaws’.  Gave us a laugh and of course no follow through.  In the end I looked at who I am.  I am a daughter, sister, wife, mother, grandmama, friend, and volunteer.  I am passionate about love and life and my family and friends.  I was Kathleen Marie Thurston and married my husband and became Kathleen Thurston Thurnau.  I referred to myself as ‘Kay T Squared’ – so there you go – a name ‘KT Squared Treasures’.  If it does not work I will change it.

 I am hoping to post daily.  It will be what is tickling my brain at the day/time or minute.  I cannot guarantee perfection.  I can guarantee passion.  The topics will be as eclectic as I am.  My interests are so varied I am hard to categorize.  The word eclectic I believe was created just for me.   I believe this forum will allow me more flexibility than facebook.  Comments are welcomed and may or may not garner a response.


4 comments on “First Post

  1. Yaaaaayyyyy, Kathleen Marie Thurston Thurnau!! Good for you, my long-term friend! (I refuse to use the word “old”). I’m really looking forward to following your blog and wish all the best for you, as always. Hugs, Elizabeth Ann Marshall Klausky Mills.

  2. Kathleen, you may have given me the impetus and the vehicle to do the same as you. After I finished my cookbook (thought about you last week because I cooked your favorite meal from it, Tuscan Roasted Pork Tenderloin) and my book about our travels in Italy, I decided to allow myself to rest before I began my story. I now know what it is like when authors gives themselves an inch before starting the next book. They take a yard. It has been over a year. Seeing this blog has made it easy for me to get off my duff and poise myself to get started. Of course I will give myself another inch before I start since our daughter Suzanne is getting married in a little over a week, and I volunteered to be the wedding planner. These last six months have just flown by in a cavalcade of wonders and decisions. We wound up with 2 receptions and three days of events. It is less than the four-day wedding held by friends back in India, but it has been absorbing. Thank you for the inspiration and stay strong. Love the “paper” and just talk to it every day. You are off to a great start. Love, John

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